
SGGS follows the curriculum laid out by the Diocese of Richmond, please click here for more information.

Saint Gregory the Great Catholic School is Middle States Association Commissions on Elementary and Secondary Schools (MSA) accredited, and the Diocese of Richmond is MSA accredited as a school system. MSA is a worldwide leader in accreditation and school improvement. For over 130 years, MSA has been helping school leaders establish and reach their goals, develop strategic plans, promote staff development, and advance student achievement. Hundreds of faith based schools seek out MSA accreditation because MSA supports and recognizes the importance of having schools fulfill their missions under their specialized faith-based traditions and values. 

In addition, the following programs are offered for remediation and enrichment:


For qualified students, the GATE program will embed and accelerate the skills of the Diocesan Consensus Curriculum. The National Association of Gifted Children Programming Standards are also followed as they focus on the social, emotional, and academic needs of our GATE students. The goal of the GATE program is to address the learning needs of gifted and talented learners by differentiating the curriculum through academic challenge, extension, inquiry, creativity, interest, and inventive critical and higher level thinking and questioning. Grades 2-5 meet once a week per grade for a day of learning.

SGGS has a GATE student identification committee comprised of certified, gifted-endorsed teachers. The identification process for rising Grades 3-5 occurs at the end of each school year. After the GATE Committee has reviewed the scores on the spring Scantron Performance Series testing and overall grades, those students who have a National Percentile Rank of 85 or above will be referred for further evaluation on the Renzulli Scales for Rating the Behavioral Characteristics of Gifted and Talented Students. Letters will be sent to newly identified students in June of that school year.

The identification process for Second Grade students occurs after the first quarter of second grade. This timing allows for students to be assessed on Fall Scantron Performance Series testing. The GATE Committee reviews the Scantron scores (85 National Percentile Rank in either Reading or Math) in addition to First Quarter grades, and may then refer students for further information gathered from the administration of the Renzulli Scales for Rating the Behavioral Characteristics of Gifted and Talented Students. Parents receive notification of their child’s acceptance to join our Grade 2 GATE program in the Second Quarter.

For new students to SGGS in Grades 2-5, if documentation is provided that their child has been identified as a gifted learner through a prior school system’s identification process or through private psycho-educational testing, their student will be admitted to GATE.

The GATE teacher will push into the First Grade classrooms once a week for a lesson to develop talent through interactive lessons.

Requirements for participation :

  • Grade 2- Students must maintain 3s (meeting grade level standard) in all content subjects (Math, Reading, Writing/Language, Science, and Social Studies), and a 2 or 3 in Self-Discipline and Work Habits.
  • Grades 3, 4, 5: Students must maintain a 90 or above in all content area subjects (Math, Reading, Writing/Language, Science, and Social Studies), and a 2 or 3 in Self-Discipline and Work Habits.
  • GATE student report cards are reviewed after each quarter. If the above requirements are not met, the student is put on probation for the following quarter. Report cards are again reviewed at the end of the probationary quarter. If the above requirements are not maintained, the student will exit the program for the remainder of the school year. The student will be reassessed at the end of the school year (along with his/her grade level peers) for eligibility in the upcoming academic year.
  • If at anytime a parent(s) feels the rigor of the GATE program is not in their child’s best interest, they may request that their child exit the program.

It is important to note that differentiation in every classroom will be a focus at SGGS so that every student’s unique differences are addressed on a daily basis.

In addition, the following programs are offered for remediation and enrichment:

Learning Support
The Learning Support Program is a support pull-out program for struggling learners with a focus on student ability rather than learning differences. An ongoing partnership with the Pathways teacher, classroom teacher, and parent(s) is established with the purpose of helping a student succeed in both the Learning Support class and the classroom as well as individualized our of the classroom support.

The program’s eligibility requires the student to have a qualified complete battery of psycho-educational testing. In addition, recommendations by the classroom teacher and/or performance below grade level will also be considered in student placement.

Students are included, to the maximum extent possible excluding the language arts block, in the regular classroom setting. They are members of their age-appropriate homerooms and are incorporated fully with those classes for religion, core curriculum subjects, art, music, library, physical education, lunch, and recess.

Title I Resource for Reading and Math
A reading/mathematics resource teacher is on staff at Saint Gregory the Great School to provide support to the classroom teachers. Students identified with a need will be able to receive extra support.

High School Credit Courses
For those students who have the prerequisite courses and meet eligibility criteria, high school credit courses are offered in World History, Geo-Science, Algebra I, and Geometry. Credit is dependent upon the final average and final exam score.

Friendzy Program

SGGS participates in the Fiendzy Program. This program is a “Biblical Social and Emotional Learning program, a school-wide program that teaches students relationship skills, through the lens of Scripture, alongside educator training and community support resources.” To learn more click here.