SGGS House Program

At the end of 4th grade, SGGS holds a House sorting ceremony in the gym. All students attend and cheer as each 4th grade students wait patiently to grab an envelope and discover which House they have selected. Students are welcomed into their new house with joy and elation like none other! It is a rite of passage that is looked forward to from Junior Kindergarten. Students in lower elementary grades are each assigned a house to support and cheer for at various functions, the SGGS Buddy Program is also a part of this support system, read more below.

The purpose of the House System at SGGS:  

  • Provide students additional adult advocates or mentors at SGGS by having every adult employee at SGGS be a member of a house.
  • Provide school fellowship among upper grades by having 5th – 8th grade members in each house.
  • Promote friendly competition among houses to encourage positive behavior and good choices aligned with the values important to SGGS.

Houses in the Community:  

There are numerous activities planned to help us meet these goals for our students, and we look to involve them at all points of the process to help them develop their own leadership and relationship-building skills.  Some activities that students have participated in are:

  • Compiling kits to distribute to the homeless that we encounter.
  • Spending time with students in elementary grades, playing games, watching movies, etc.
  • Board Game marathon to help our House members get to know each other.
  • Friendly outdoor games competition against other houses
  • Adopted a seminary, Saint Vincent’s Seminary in Latrobe, PA, to pray for at each meeting.

The students are truly enjoying the opportunity to get to know other students in other grades, and it has helped in building a true sense of community for them at school.  We look forward to getting to know your Saint and making their time and experience here at SGGS endearing, happy, and memorable.

SGGS Houses and Buddies

Developing and fostering relationships between students is a critical element of the growth plan for our students at Saint Gregory the Great Catholic School. To ensure that bonds are nurtured and to help young students acclimate to their growing roles in the school, older students are paired up with students in lower grades and accompany them to many school functions, such as weekly Mass and events such as the Halloween Carnival and Santa Shop. They celebrate the holidays together and spend quality time together on a regular basis throughout the school year. Students are paired initially by House and then by grade level:

  • Junior Kindergarten | House Francis
  • Kindergarten | House of Pedro
  • 1st Grade | House of Joseph
  • 2nd Grade | House of Rose
  • 3rd Grade | House of Elizabeth
  • 4th Grade | House of Bakhita