A Message from Our Principal

Dear St. Gregory the Great School Families, 

Greetings and God’s blessings to us All. 

Just recently I was happily retired after 20 plus years of fulfilling employment by the Diocese of Richmond, when upon exiting daily Mass one morning,  Fr. Dominic and Fr. Cristiano asked if they could have a few minutes of my time. During that life-changing conversation I learned that St. Gregory the Great School needed an interim principal and they asked me to consider filling the slot. After discussing the proposition with my husband and praying about it, I happily and peacefully accepted.

Realizing that St. Gregory’s has a wonderful tradition, an outstanding support staff, teachers who are concerned about the well-being and academic success of our students, a supportive church community, and involved parents – it was a no brainer!  Yes, was the only answer! Although I am daunted by the enormity of leading the school, I know in my heart that, with the help of God, our school is off to another amazing year. 

I promise to take care of your children and our faculty. Our wonderful priests. Fr. Dominic, Fr. Cristiano, Fr. Mark and Fr. Ignatius along with Deacon Kevin and Deacon  Darrell will continue to nurture our faith and shepherd us. Our dedicated teachers and assistants will continue to foster the academic and social development of our students. The amazing administrative staff will work their magic to keep the school humming. Our accomplished maintenance staff will pave the way for a smooth operation as they always have. Our Church community and organizations will continue to pray for us and support us.  Finally and most importantly, you will continue to love and support your children and team up with our entire staff to lead your dear children toward success. 

It has been my great fortune to be involved with St. Gregory the Great Church and  St. Gregory the Great School since my family moved to Virginia Beach in 1993: many years as a volunteer, 14 years as a teacher, and one year as Assistant Principal.  I am joyfully returning to many familiar faces and a  school that I have always loved.

I am the wife of David, a loving and very supportive husband, the mother of three children who benefitted from St. Gregory’s outstanding education, mother-in-law to three remarkable individuals, and a grandmother to six grandchildren and counting! I received my degree in education from the University of Iowa and a graduate degree from Regent University.  

The start of a new school year is always exciting for teachers and administrators. Our school building is merely a shell without the presence of your children who bring life and joy. I am confident that our teachers are devoted to delivering strong and effective instruction. They regularly participate in professional development that is focused on improving and adding to their teaching techniques. Thanks to your support and our amazing Saints Raffle our school purchased sorely needed and in some cases updated textbooks. New textbooks always present teachers with the opportunity to add new methods to teaching practices!

Additionally, our Diocese is implementing a new Theology curriculum that we are using starting this school year. It is essential for our Catholic school to always grow in faith so that we can live out our faith. I am convinced that this new curriculum seeks to help us all to live by the great commandment of loving our Lord and each other as we love ourselves. 

Please know that I am deeply grateful for your confidence, support and prayers. As a team we will accomplish great things.

Take care and God bless you All.

Sincerely yours,

Kika Glass