Meet Our Faculty and Staff

Home to our youngest Saints in Junior Kindergarten and Kindergarten. This bustling building is where our Saints first begin their faith journey. They study basic prayers each day, learn routine, and strengthen their independence. Fine motor skills are mastered, and the building blocks of reading and writing are instilled.Students in JK and K follow daily routines outlined by their classroom teachers. Each classroom has one teacher and one aide to ensure all student needs are met. Saints enjoy hands on learning as well as virtual based education. They have daily naps, play outdoors daily, as well as weekly PE classes, Spanish classes, and art when they enter Kindergarten.

GAH Saints are also a part of our Buddy Program. They will be paired with a Saint in 6th, 7th, or 8th grade. These older students will accompany our youngest Saints to various events throughout the school year, including the 8th grade Halloween Carnival and Christmas Santa Shop. When our GAH students begin to attend weekly All School Mass, their buddies will also sit with them, acting as role models, encouraging proper etiquette and behavior. Buddies also spend quality time throughout the year, weekly after Mass, with a craft or activity and celebrating holiday parties.

Meet the Guardian Angel Hall teachers here!

Scholastica Hall is home to our Saints in grades 1-5. Here you will also find the Business Office, Main School Office, Principal’s Office, school gym, and art room. SGGS also has a Leveled Book Room where our recourse teachers offer individual or small group help to students that may need a little extra help. A Faculty Instructional Aide is available to ensure our teachers are working with the latest trends and ideas to keep our Saints at the top. Saints in grades 3-5 who are ready for a challenge are offered the opportunity to take part in the G.A.T.E. Program-a weekly pull out program that offers a bit more educational challenge to those students who fit the academic criteria.

Saints in grades 1-5 follow a daily schedule beginning at 7:45 am and dismissing at 2:45 pm. Students attend weekly All School Mass, as well as weekly enrichment classes in PE, art, computer/technology, Spanish classes, library, band, choir, and orchestra. Hot lunches are served in our cafeteria where we gather to eat, followed by daily outdoor play. Our Saints enjoy multiple playgrounds and outdoor toys/sports.

In second grade, our Saints are prepared both mentally and scholastically to receive their First Holy Reconciliation and their First Holy Communion. Classroom instruction and a weekend retreat ensure our Saints fully comprehend the beauty of these sacraments and are ready to receive them.

Meet the Scholastica Hall team here!

Vianney Hall is home to our 6th-8th grade Saints, Assistant Principal’s Office, Computer Lab, Spanish Classrooms, and School Library.

Vianney Hall Saints follow a daily block schedule beginning at 7:45 am and dismissing at 2:45 pm and weekly All School Mass.

Each day students attend classes tailored to their educational needs. SGGS offers general studies in math, science, history, religion, and language arts as well as weekly enrichment in PE, library resource, and Spanish. Electives are scheduled based on student selection each semester. Students may choose from a range of options including but not limited to French, computer animation, journalism, band, chorus, and sewing.

Vianney Hall Saints are also academically challenged. We offer a variety of high school level classes, and many of our Saints graduate 8th grade with 3 or 4 high school credits already under their belts!

Middle school Saints may take part in student council and are required to complete 10 volunteer hours per school year.

Get to know our Vianney Hall teachers here!

Enriching Resources

Not only does SGGS offer a huge variety of core classes, but we are also extremely blessed to be able to offer our Saints an extensive catalog of resource classes including, but not limited to, Art, Music, Band, Chorus, PE, French, German, Spanish, technology and Computer, Library, and a number of after school clubs and athletics. Learn more and get to know our Resource Team here!

Administration and Staff

Our school would not be what it is without our devoted staff! Our Office staff, Administration, Business Office, Nurses and many more help to make our school thrive! From fixing a leaky faucet to making sure the bills are paid, we have the best! Meet them all here!